Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bruce Jenner

Bruce Jenner has been in the news lately for calling out Usain Bolt. Jenner publicly told TMZ that Bolt is not "the greatest athlete of all time". Jenner went on to say that Bolt is only the best sprinter and that he can't pole vault. Bruce Jenner won the Gold Medal in the 1976 Olympic games in Montreal. The decathlon was Jenner's specialty. Jenner said that the decathletes are the best athletes and Usain would be "terrible" at the decathlon. The world is still waiting for a response from Usain Bolt. And we still don't know how genuine Jenner's statements were. Either way Bruce is an Olympic great and people should respect his opinion.

A few years back I made a trip out to Frank and Sons in the City of Industry to meet Bruce Jenner. This was a paid event, which I typically stay away from, but there was some pretty big names at this event. Jennie Fitch, Reggie Jackson, and Bruce Jenner were the three I was most excited to see. At the time I did not have enough money to mett all 3. So I was faced with a tough desicion. In the end I chose to meet Bruce Jenner. I had him sign a replica USA jersey.

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